CVIDS 2024 Hybridizers' Roundup

The 14th Annual Hybridizers' Roundup took place at the Washington Public Library. The meeting began at 12:30 PM following social time and a potluck lunch. The agenda for the business meeting can be accessed here.

Meeting minutes, approved at the Fall Banquet, are available here. Five members, namely Barb Papenhausen, Jackie Westhoff, Heather Harroun, Colleen Hansen and Jonathan Poulton, showed their latest creations obtained by hybridization. We are grateful to them for sharing their work. Thirteen members attended in person and five via Zoom.

Thanks also go to Colleen for hosting the Roundup, to Nancy Carlisle for providing a Zoom link whereby members could attend the meeting virtually, to Nancy Rash for taking minutes, to Lyle for providing the photo, and to all who contributed to the potluck.
